
I am happy to be here. I used to feel at home at http://my.opera.com/adonisali/blog/index.dml/tag/newest/ but as that site closes end of this month, and there is hardly an alternative to it, I am glad to be able to build my home here now. I need to pack a lot of things I cherished there, like email, whisper, photo-albums, poems and stories I put there in the past so donot expect me to be that busy here for now. Also links from and to other sites I will have to relocate and adjust to make it as comfortable as it can be here. But I already have the feeling this may be the beginning of a very long friendship. What I like about here is that people have offered to help in improving this site. Till next time asap. And: ask in comments anything you want to know about me. I may come up with some very witty answers. And may surprise you even more :3 😀


about happy (me)

(…) I will introduce myself later.  I used to be feeling at home at http://my.opera.com/adonisali/about . It had all I wanted, almost, together in one site. A portal to get to other popular sites as well. I am European, so why couldnot my browser be European too. I know that the more people use something, the more it is vulnerable to attacks. I liked the way how my.opera as well as the browser Opera was user-adaptive  much. And it worked on devices where other browsers didnot give a good performance. Now I am here, finding out how much this site can grow and keep safe. 

This is another post about me and how I thought to solve the problems about a missing “about page” before I had seen the biography setting. 

